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Professor Steve Newman Travels Half Way Around The World - To Teach At Clinch Training Center (Canada)

brad call clinch training center matrix martial arts steve newman Jun 24, 2023
Professor Steve Newman at the

Professor Steve Newman, from the "Matrix Martial Arts" Lovato Jiu-Jitsu Association affiliate in Spain, has traveled half way around the world - to teach at the "Clinch Training Center" in Halifax (Canada)!

Professor Newman was a BJJ instructor of the Clinch Training Center's head instructor, Brad Call, in Edmonton (Alberta, Canada).
Call shared a part of their story:

Steve was my BJJ instructor in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
He was the one who promoted me to Brown Belt and introduced me to Lovato BJJ after his school joined the Association.

He is also the reason my Clinch Training Center is now part of the Association, as he connected Kevin and I with Rafael a few year after I moved to the east coast of Canada.

Professor Newman taught for about a week in the Clinch Training Center.
Though, as head instructor Call shared, the highlight was the 2-day seminar on the Kimura:

Our students were blown away by the level of detail and variety setups and finishes that were covered.